Meet the incredible team that made Static Roots Festival 2023 possible


Meet the incredible team that made Static Roots Festival 2023 possible!

These are the faces behind the magic, who worked tirelessly to create an unforgettable event. This crew made sure every chord was perfect, every light was right, and every attendee felt welcome.

From left to right: Emil and Max Weissgerber (stage managers), Kea Warmbier (backstage), Alex Schulte (sound), Susanne Fünderich (backstage manager), Kevin Kerndl (venue manager), Tello (bar staff), Hendrik Wilken (bar staff), Nicole Robson (merchandise), Jeff Robson (master of ceremonies), Dietmar Leibecke (festival head honcho), Michael Langewender (stage manager), Marion Leibecke (merchandise, Static Ruhr Tour), Dennis (lights), Frank Stellmacher (merchandise), Andreas Kerndl (door), and Stefan Göbel (sound).

Missing in the picture but equally essential: Robert Gerlings (Static Ruhr Tour), Nick Barber (Static Ruhr Tour translations), Vova Kornev (merchandise) and Johanna Leibecke (merchandise).

These individuals came together as a family, creating a festival experience that received raving reviews:

  • Evangeline Gentle: "...the best music festival in Europe..."
  • Norbert Knape: "Static Roots Festival is like nothing else. I'm sorry for those who missed it"
  • Thomas Bohnet: "Eines der schönsten Festivals, die ich kenne. Und ich kenne einige!!"
  • Carmen Nees: "All unsere Erwartungen wurden vom großartigen Spirit dieses Festivals übertroffen"
  • Gregor Beresford: "One of the best festivals in the world..."

Hats off to each one of you! We can't wait to create more magical moments together in 2024.

Picture: Ullrich Maurer