BigCityLights UK about Static Roots Festival 2019
"What an absolute triumph!"
"A brilliant first night at the sold out Static Roots Festival"
Booking agency Big City Lights about the Static Roots Festival 2019:
"A brilliant first night at the sold out Static Roots Festival. Seeing old friends, making new ones, crying at @johnbleksolo tribute to Willie, charmed by @thebrotherbrothers, @johnmurry ripping it up in the only way he can, @thewavepictures showing what a band can do after 20 years together and @cordovasband bringing the night to an end with their 70s sourthern rock inspired, delightful set. Bring on tomorrow! Those bands due to play have to bring their A game to match what I've seen today. Lovely atmosphere, brilliant people just having fun. What an absolute triumph!"