Chris Cacavas @ Static Roots Festival 2024


(photo credits: malcolm nix)

Chris Cacavas: A Legendary Addition to Static Roots Festival 2024

From Paisley Underground to Static Roots Festival

We are thrilled to announce that the legendary Chris Cacavas, a founding member of the "Paisley Underground" band Green On Red and these days the fifth member of The Dream Syndicate, will be performing at the Static Roots Festival 2024. His addition to our lineup marks a significant milestone, bringing a rich history of influential music to our festival stage.

From Green On Red to Solo Success

Chris Cacavas's journey in the music industry began with Green On Red, where his distinctive organ playing helped shape the band's sound and contributed significantly to the Paisley Underground movement. Following his tenure with the band, Chris embarked on a successful solo career, producing a series of acclaimed albums that showcase his depth as a songwriter and performer.

A Career of Musical Depth and Honesty

Known for his emotionally resonant and honest songwriting, Chris's solo works, such as 'Burn The Maps' (2020), continue to captivate audiences with their blend of folk-rock and Americana influences. His music has often been likened to the work of Neil Young, demonstrating his ability to connect with listeners through heartfelt lyrics and melodies.

A Set Filled with Classics and New Tunes

Fans at the Static Roots Festival can look forward to a set that includes both classic hits and newer compositions, offering a comprehensive look at Chris's musical journey. His performances are celebrated for their authenticity and connection with the audience, creating an intimate and memorable experience. Chris Cacavas's ability to craft narrative-driven music turns each performance into a journey, inviting the audience to explore rich and vivid worlds through his songs.

Chris Cacavas - Don't Miss the Legendary Performance

Chris Cacavas's appearance at Static Roots Festival 2024 is a highlight for fans of indie rock and Americana. His legacy as a musician and songwriter makes this performance a must-see event, showcasing the enduring impact of his artistry on contemporary music.

Chris Cacavas - videos

Static Roots Festival 2024 - lineup